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In this intimate memoir she retraces the twelve months following her announcement and speaks candidly, for the first time, about how her illness affected her family life and her marriage, tapped into her deepest fears and strengths, and transformed her in ways she never could have imagined.Everywhere she goes Heather is aided by locals and travellers alike, who take her into their homes and hearts, helping her to truly understand the spirit of ubuntu - a Bantu word meaning 'I am because you are'.There are few times when science is so immediate as when you're in a plane.A couple of decades later she had, by god, scratched out a role in the corporate testicle festival where she earned fat, man-size paychecks.This is a really fascinating and compelling tale, told well.Dr. Frykberg examines each dimension as parts not of a linear path, but of an eternally repeating pattern, like a fractal, in which each part follows the pattern of its greater whole, to be engaged time and time again.This edition also includes an introduction exploring Hesse's own spiritual journey as evidenced in his journals and personal letters.In many ways, this book represents my life's work.